Friday, 14 March 2025

To day posting list PDF March 8 to 14 2025



To day posting list PDF

March   2025

This is the list where you can easily read our daily novels which we post on that particular day . It will make you to easily find your favourite novels collections . Which novels are added in this day you will come to know and you can download and read online by clicking on  the given  " List " . 
we will try to  to give you such list on daily bases .
These writer has written these novels with their effort and spend lots of time and energy . They are trying hard to give you strong material and heart touching words and characters . 
No doubt some of them is very famous among you but who are new writers try to read them and  appreciate their efforts .

You can download through the links and  can read them .

If you find any issue in download or online reading links please 

watch the video given in link at the end of the links 

Here is her novel to read and to download 

To day posting list PDF

Download Link ( Posting list 

f you have problem in download please click this Below link 

If you have problem in dawn load please click this link belo

Friday, 7 March 2025

To day posting list PDF 1 to 7 March 2025



To day posting list PDF

March   2025

This is the list where you can easily read our daily novels which we post on that particular day . It will make you to easily find your favourite novels collections . Which novels are added in this day you will come to know and you can download and read online by clicking on  the given  " List " . 
we will try to  to give you such list on daily bases .
These writer has written these novels with their effort and spend lots of time and energy . They are trying hard to give you strong material and heart touching words and characters . 
No doubt some of them is very famous among you but who are new writers try to read them and  appreciate their efforts .

You can download through the links and  can read them .

If you find any issue in download or online reading links please 

watch the video given in link at the end of the links 

Here is her novel to read and to download 

To day posting list PDF

Download Link ( Posting list 

f you have problem in download please click this Below link 

If you have problem in dawn load please click this link belo

Friday, 28 February 2025

To day posting list 18 to 28 February 2025



To day posting list PDF

February  2025

This is the list where you can easily read our daily novels which we post on that particular day . It will make you to easily find your favourite novels collections . Which novels are added in this day you will come to know and you can download and read online by clicking on  the given  " List " . 
we will try to  to give you such list on daily bases .
These writer has written these novels with their effort and spend lots of time and energy . They are trying hard to give you strong material and heart touching words and characters . 
No doubt some of them is very famous among you but who are new writers try to read them and  appreciate their efforts .

You can download through the links and  can read them .

If you find any issue in download or online reading links please 

watch the video given in link at the end of the links 

Here is her novel to read and to download 

To day posting list PDF

Download Link ( Posting list 

f you have problem in download please click this Below link 

If you have problem in dawn load please click this link belo

Monday, 17 February 2025

To day posting list PDF 9 to 17 February 2025



To day posting list PDF

February  2025

This is the list where you can easily read our daily novels which we post on that particular day . It will make you to easily find your favourite novels collections . Which novels are added in this day you will come to know and you can download and read online by clicking on  the given  " List " . 
we will try to  to give you such list on daily bases .
These writer has written these novels with their effort and spend lots of time and energy . They are trying hard to give you strong material and heart touching words and characters . 
No doubt some of them is very famous among you but who are new writers try to read them and  appreciate their efforts .

You can download through the links and  can read them .

If you find any issue in download or online reading links please 

watch the video given in link at the end of the links 

Here is her novel to read and to download 

To day posting list PDF

Download Link ( Posting list 

f you have problem in download please click this Below link 

If you have problem in dawn load please click this link belo

Saturday, 8 February 2025

To day posting list 1 to 8 PDF February 2025 ,



To day posting list PDF

February  2025

This is the list where you can easily read our daily novels which we post on that particular day . It will make you to easily find your favourite novels collections . Which novels are added in this day you will come to know and you can download and read online by clicking on  the given  " List " . 
we will try to  to give you such list on daily bases .
These writer has written these novels with their effort and spend lots of time and energy . They are trying hard to give you strong material and heart touching words and characters . 
No doubt some of them is very famous among you but who are new writers try to read them and  appreciate their efforts .

You can download through the links and  can read them .

If you find any issue in download or online reading links please 

watch the video given in link at the end of the links 

Here is her novel to read and to download 

To day posting list PDF

Download Link ( Posting list 

f you have problem in download please click this Below link 

If you have problem in dawn load please click this link belo

Monday, 3 February 2025

Wolf mafia love | Maha Shah | Episode 2 | Secret agent |Mafia base | gan...


دو گھنٹے کے بعد وہ ایگزام روم سے باہر نکلا اور بازوؤں کو موڑ کر انگڑائی لی ۔ واپسی کے لیئے قدم لیتے اس کی نظر گول گپوں پر پڑی ۔ وہ مسکرایا ۔ جانتا تھا ایمان کو بہت پسند ہیں ۔۔ وہ گول گپے لے کر گھر کے باہر پہنچا ۔۔ گھر کا دروازہ کھلا ہوا تھا ۔۔ اس کا دل نا محسوس انداز میں دھڑکا ۔۔۔۔ و بھاگ کر اندر داخل ہوا پورے گھر کا سامان بکھرا پڑا تھا ۔ وہ لرزتے قدموں سے آگے بڑھا ۔۔۔۔ آگے کا منظر دیکھ کر اس کی روح فنا ہوئی ۔۔۔ ایمان کو دیکھ کر اس کی جان نکل گئی وہ بکھری بکھری سی بیٹھی تھی  ۔۔۔

 ایمان ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ وہ دھاڑا ۔۔۔۔ اس کی ایمان لٹ گئی تھی ، بے آبرو ہوگئی تھی ۔۔۔۔ ایمان !!!!!! وہ چلایا تھا اس کو ایسا لگا اس کے گلے میں خراشیں پڑ گئیں ہوں ۔۔۔

مار دو اس لڑکی کو ۔۔۔۔ ایک آدمی کمرے سے باہر نکلا ارقم نے اس کو دیکھا اس کی صورت اپنے دماغ میں قید کی ۔۔۔

 تم کتے ،،، میں تمہیں چھوڑوں گا نہیں!!!!!!! ارقم دھاڑتے ہوئے اس کے قریب گیا ۔۔۔ ابھی وہ سترہ سال کا سارا تھا اس لیئے اس کا قد بھی چھوٹا تھا وہ اس آدمی کے کندھے تک پہنچ رہا تھا ۔۔۔ اس آدمی کے بندوں نے اس کو پکڑا ۔۔۔۔

بچے ہو ابھی بچے ہی رہو ۔۔۔ وہ شخص مغرور لہجے میں بولا ۔۔۔

 چھوڑو میرے بیٹے کو ۔۔۔۔ ارقم کی ماں روتے ہوئے بولی اپنی ماں کو دیکھ کر وہ تڑپ ہی گیا۔۔۔ منہ زخمی تھا ۔۔۔ ان کو بہت مارا گیا تھا۔۔۔۔

 نامرد ذلیل کتے ،، شرم نہیں آتی تجھے،میں تیری جان لے لوں گا ۔۔۔۔ وہ دھاڑا ۔۔۔ اس آدمی کا صبر تمام ہوا اس نے چاقو سے اس کے گردن پر وار کرنا چاہا لیکن ارقم کی ماں نے اس کو پیچھے سے دھکا دیا جس سے کٹ اس کی آنکھ سے دائیں گال تک لگا خون کا فوارہ باہر نکلا ۔۔۔۔

تیری تو ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔کمینی عورت ۔ وہ گالیاں بکتا ان کی طرف متوجہ ہوا ۔۔۔

 امییییییییی۔۔۔ اس کو ان کی طرف بڑھتے دیکھ وہ چلایا ۔۔۔۔

 بھاگو بیٹا ۔۔۔ بھاگو ۔۔۔ ہمارا بدلہ تم لینا، بھاگو، تمہیں میری قسم ۔۔۔۔ وہ چلائیں تھیں ۔۔۔ ارقم نے روتے ہوئے ایک نظر ایمان کو دیکھا جس کی آنکھوں میں آنسو تھے ۔

 ایمان ۔۔۔۔ وہ اس کی طرف بڑھا اس کو اپنے زخم آنے درد کی پرواہ نہیں تھی اس کا دل اپنی ماں ، اور محبت کے لیئے رو رہا تھا ۔۔۔

 جاؤ ار آر ارقم ۔۔۔۔ ایمان ٹوٹے لفظوں میں بولی اگلے ہی پل اس کے منہ سے چیخ نکلی وہ اس کے پیٹ میں بھرا گھونپ چکاتھا ۔۔۔

 ایمانںنننننننن۔۔۔۔۔۔امییییییییی۔۔۔۔ وہ بے بس سا چیخا ایک طرف اس کی ماں تھی جس نے اس کو چلنا سکھایا تھا، دوسری طرف اس کی محبت تھی جس نے اس کو ہنسنا سکھایا تھا ۔۔۔

 بھاگو!!!!! اس کی ماں چلائی ۔۔ اس کے بندے اس کی طرف بڑھے اس کا چہرہ خون سے سرخ ہو گیا تھا ۔۔۔۔۔ 

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